Look at the third column of the rows "Monsarno Chimp Resources" and "Monsarno Human Resources"
Expected Behavior:
There should only be displayed one cell with the text vertically centered.
Actual Behavior:
There are displayed tow cells, however the text still is vetically centered as expected.
URL: http://simpsonstappedout.wikia.com/wiki/Terwilligers_2015_Event?oldid=129758#New_Content
Browser / Version: Firefox 37.0
Operating System: Windows
Problem type: Something else - I'll add details below
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior:
There should only be displayed one cell with the text vertically centered.
Actual Behavior:
There are displayed tow cells, however the text still is vetically centered as expected.
Addititional infos:
Works fine in IE and Chrome, so it seems to be a bug in firefox.
The same happens at http://simpsonstappedout.wikia.com/wiki/Money_Mountain?oldid=129757#Upgrades, 3dr column of the lower rows