URL: http://bg-mania.jp/
Browser / Version: Firefox 41.0
Operating System: Android 5.0
Problem type: Layout is messed up
Steps to Reproduce
- Navigate to: http://bg-mania.jp/
Expected Behavior: On the home page
- there are two buttons under the pink header. They should be yellow and pink.
- the navigation bar should be a gray gradient.
- the section headers should be a red/pink/blue/green/etc gradient.
- three buttons with icons for Tokyo グルメ, スイーツ, 今日のコンビニ are missing gradients
Actual Behavior: All gradients are busted.
seeAlso: #1254
The site is maintained by j-cast.
country: jp
(issues are "fixed" by the unprefixing css service)
URL: http://bg-mania.jp/
Browser / Version: Firefox 41.0
Operating System: Android 5.0
Problem type: Layout is messed up
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior: On the home page
Actual Behavior: All gradients are busted.
seeAlso: #1254
The site is maintained by j-cast.
country: jp
(issues are "fixed" by the unprefixing css service)