Invalid App ID: The provided app ID does not look like a valid app ID. ping:1:51
TypeError: console.error is not a function[Learn More] dojo.js:14:138603
The Web Console logging API (console.log, console.info, console.warn, console.error) has been disabled by a script on this page.
Use of getPreventDefault() is deprecated. Use defaultPrevented instead. Ren-UTF-8~S3amL2FEAf3g8I5hvhMKpY2ERdxOdafpT-ywegSb7zM.js:4:40278
Blocked loading mixed active content “http://spmeasure.i-mobile.co.jp/script/cnv.js”[Learn More] gtm.js:79
uncaught exception: [object Object] (unknown)
URL: https://www.nitori-net.jp/store/ja/ec/7514915
Browser / Version: Firefox 52.0
Operating System: Windows 10
Problem type: Something else - I'll add details below
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior:
At (1) there should be a little cart in the top-right with a red and white "0" indicating there is nothing in the cart.
At (2) a little pop-up should appear in the right hand corner showing the product added to the cart. The cart button should show "1".
(As observed using Edge, and from memory, Chrome works too.)
Actual Behavior:
There is no cart button in the top-right and no response when clicking the add to cart button. Opening the DevConsole reveals a nice list of errors ending with:
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