URL: https://eyen.fr/
Browser / Version: Firefox 70.0
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.14
Tested Another Browser: Yes
Problem type: Design is broken
Description: images are not displayed
Steps to Reproduce:
- Go to https://eyen.fr/
- Note how images are missing
The images are visible in Safari.
<div class="carousel-item active">
<img class="" src="/images/placeholder.png" data-src="/images/en/screenshots/screenshot4.png" data-srcset="/images/en/screenshots/screenshot4@2x.png 2x" width="1336" height="948">
with css
.carousel-item {
position: relative;
display: none;
-webkit-box-align: center;
-ms-flex-align: center;
align-items: center;
width: 100%;
transition: -webkit-transform 0.6s ease;
transition: transform 0.6s ease;
transition: transform 0.6s ease, -webkit-transform 0.6s ease;
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
backface-visibility: hidden;
-webkit-perspective: 1000px;
perspective: 1000px;
.carousel-fade .carousel-item {
-webkit-transition: opacity .6s ease-in-out;
transition: opacity .6s ease-in-out;
.carousel-item.active, .carousel-item-next, .carousel-item-prev {
display: block;
The console shows the message:
EncodingError: Invalid image request.
Browser Configuration
- mixed active content blocked: false
- image.mem.shared: true
- buildID: 20190731095029
- tracking content blocked: false
- gfx.webrender.blob-images: true
- hasTouchScreen: false
- mixed passive content blocked: false
- gfx.webrender.enabled: false
- gfx.webrender.all: false
- channel: nightly
Console Messages:
[{u'log': [u'Request to access cookie or storage on https://static.ads-twitter.com/uwt.js was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.'], u'level': u'warn', u'uri': u'https://eyen.fr/', u'pos': u'0:0'}, {u'log': [u'Request to access cookie or storage on https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.'], u'level': u'warn', u'uri': u'https://eyen.fr/', u'pos': u'0:0'}, {u'log': [u'EncodingError: Invalid image request.'], u'level': u'error', u'uri': u'', u'pos': u'0:0'}, {u'log': [u'Request to access cookie or storage on https://www.google-analytics.com/r/collect?v=1&_v=j77&a=271439662&t=pageview&_s=1&dl=https%3A%2F%2Feyen.fr%2F&ul=en-us&de=UTF-8&dt=Taskheat%20%7C%20Eyen&sd=24-bit&sr=1680x1050&vp=1206x976&je=0&_u=AACAAUAB~&jid=893018260&gjid=739249247&cid=1494162221.1564749570&tid=UA-123148015-1&_gid=2133805339.1564749570&_r=1>m=2ou7o0&z=716381772 was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.'], u'level': u'warn', u'uri': u'https://eyen.fr/', u'pos': u'0:0'}, {u'log': [u'Request to access cookie or storage on https://stats.g.doubleclick.net/r/collect?v=1&aip=1&t=dc&_r=3&tid=UA-123148015-1&cid=1494162221.1564749570&jid=893018260&_gid=2133805339.1564749570&gjid=739249247&_v=j77&z=716381772 was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.'], u'level': u'warn', u'uri': u'https://eyen.fr/', u'pos': u'0:0'}, {u'log': [u'Request to access cookie or storage on https://analytics.twitter.com/i/adsct?p_id=Twitter&p_user_id=0&txn_id=o1aeq&events=%5B%5B%22pageview%22%2Cnull%5D%5D&tw_sale_amount=0&tw_order_quantity=0&tw_iframe_status=0&tpx_cb=twttr.conversion.loadPixels&tw_document_href=https%3A%2F%2Feyen.fr%2F was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.'], u'level': u'warn', u'uri': u'https://eyen.fr/', u'pos': u'0:0'}, {u'log': [u'Request to access cookie or storage on https://analytics.twitter.com/i/adsct?p_id=Twitter&p_user_id=0&txn_id=o1aeq&events=%5B%5B%22pageview%22%2Cnull%5D%5D&tw_sale_amount=0&tw_order_quantity=0&tw_iframe_status=0&tpx_cb=twttr.conversion.loadPixels&tw_document_href=https%3A%2F%2Feyen.fr%2F was blocked because it came from a tracker and content blocking is enabled.'], u'level': u'warn', u'uri': u'https://eyen.fr/', u'pos': u'0:0'}, {u'log': [u'EncodingError: Invalid image request.'], u'level': u'error', u'uri': u'', u'pos': u'0:0'}, {u'log': [u'EncodingError: Invalid image request.'], u'level': u'error', u'uri': u'', u'pos': u'0:0'}]
Submitted in the name of @karlcow
From webcompat.com with ❤️
URL: https://eyen.fr/
Browser / Version: Firefox 70.0
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.14
Tested Another Browser: Yes
Problem type: Design is broken
Description: images are not displayed
Steps to Reproduce:
The images are visible in Safari.
with css
The console shows the message:
Browser Configuration
Console Messages:
Submitted in the name of
From webcompat.com with ❤️