URL: http://www.canalbreizh.bzh/
Browser / Version: Firefox Mobile 68.0
Operating System: Android
Tested Another Browser: No
Problem type: Video or audio doesn't play
Description: the audio doesn't work
Steps to Reproduce:
Browser Configuration
- mixed active content blocked: false
- image.mem.shared: true
- buildID: 20190814114626
- tracking content blocked: true (basic)
- gfx.webrender.blob-images: true
- hasTouchScreen: true
- mixed passive content blocked: false
- gfx.webrender.enabled: false
- gfx.webrender.all: false
- channel: default
Console Messages:
[u'[JavaScript Warning: "The resource at http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js was blocked because content blocking is enabled." {file: "http://www.canalbreizh.bzh/" line: 0}]', u'[JavaScript Warning: "The resource at http://connect.facebook.net/fr_FR/sdk.js was blocked because content blocking is enabled." {file: "http://www.canalbreizh.bzh/" line: 0}]', u'[JavaScript Warning: "The resource at http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/js/adsbygoogle.js was blocked because content blocking is enabled." {file: "http://www.canalbreizh.bzh/" line: 0}]', u'[JavaScript Warning: "The resource at https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js was blocked because content blocking is enabled." {file: "http://www.canalbreizh.bzh/" line: 0}]', u'[console.log(clic) http://www.canalbreizh.bzh/:770:13]', u'[console.log(clic) http://www.canalbreizh.bzh/:737:13]']
From webcompat.com with ❤️
URL: http://www.canalbreizh.bzh/
Browser / Version: Firefox Mobile 68.0
Operating System: Android
Tested Another Browser: No
Problem type: Video or audio doesn't play
Description: the audio doesn't work
Steps to Reproduce:
Browser Configuration
Console Messages:
From webcompat.com with ❤️