URL: https://tfl.gov.uk/tube-dlr-overground/status/#line-raillo-overground Browser / Version: Firefox 54.0 Operating System: Windows 10 Problem type: Something else - I'll add details below Steps to Reproduce Navigate to: https://tfl.gov.uk/tube-dlr-overground/status/#line-raillo-overground click the line statuses in the left column to expand details of problems Expected Behavior: attempt to click on the line statuses and the expand out Actual Behavior: only the initial line clicked on will expand, any further attempt to click lines results in nothing happening From webcompat.com with ❤️ Please login to edit issues. View issue on Github Shortcut: Press l on your keyboard to open the label editor. Shortcut: Press g on your keyboard to be taken to the GitHub view of this page.
URL: https://tfl.gov.uk/tube-dlr-overground/status/#line-raillo-overground
Browser / Version: Firefox 54.0
Operating System: Windows 10
Problem type: Something else - I'll add details below
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior: attempt to click on the line statuses and the expand out
Actual Behavior: only the initial line clicked on will expand, any further attempt to click lines results in nothing happening
From webcompat.com with ❤️