Expected Behavior:
It should look pretty like it does in Google Chrome. If I change the user agent to Chrome then it looks pretty! You can change the user agent with the Chrome UA on Google Android addon.
Actual Behavior:
It looks ugly with small text, no slider, no weather per day, no Celsius Fahrenheit selector etc.
URL: https://www.google.ro/search?q=weather%20bucharest
Browser / Version: Firefox Mobile 55.0
Operating System: Android 7.1.1
Problem type: Something else - I'll add details below
Steps to Reproduce
Expected Behavior:
It should look pretty like it does in Google Chrome. If I change the user agent to Chrome then it looks pretty! You can change the user agent with the Chrome UA on Google Android addon.
Actual Behavior:
It looks ugly with small text, no slider, no weather per day, no Celsius Fahrenheit selector etc.
From webcompat.com with ❤️